The Little Red House Adult Day Services and Care Spring Lake Michigan - Logo

Knowledge Demo Post

Bibendum ullamcorper augue gravida a ante hac eget quisque a consectetur tincidunt mauris dis dis vivamus a euismod morbi feugiat amet at a ac ullamcorper dui suspendisse maecenas. Hac arcu ad ultricies ut amet vel vivamus est condimentum placerat leo mi ut iaculis...
The Little Red House ‘Keeps Me Young’

The Little Red House ‘Keeps Me Young’

At 88, Colonel Winnick walks a bit gingerly with the help of a cane — but he hasn’t lost a step in sharing his quick wit and positive personality with his fellow participants at The Little Red House in the heart of Spring Lake Village. “Everyone needs a little...
Intergenerational Joy at The Little Red House

Intergenerational Joy at The Little Red House

One morning each week during the academic year, The Little Red House becomes a lively off-campus learning laboratory for a small but mighty group of Spring Lake High School students. For an hour or so every Wednesday, seven students and their faculty mentor make the...